
Below is a list of selected places where my research has seen the light of day categorized by date. I have included the citations and any downloadable documents (subject to availability). Please check out my CV for more citations!


  1. Thesis
    The predictive power of lexical semantics on the acquisition of passive voice in young children
    Emma Nguyen
  2. LangAcq
    The link between lexical semantic features and children’s comprehension of English verbal be-passives
    Emma Nguyen, and Lisa Pearl
    Language Acquisition, 2021


  1. BUCLD
    Using Developmental Modeling to Specify Learning and Representation of the Passive in English Children.
    Emma Nguyen, and Lisa Pearl
    In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2019


  1. GALA
    Actionality Speaks Louder Than Felicity: English-Speaking Children’s Comprehension of Passives
    Emma Nguyen, Diane Lillo-Martin, and William Snyder
    Language Acquisition at the Interfaces: Proceedings of GALA 2015, 2018
  2. NELS
    A surprising comparison: a unified account of degree “surprisingly” with bare adjectives and comparatives.
    Emma Nguyen, and Gabriel Martinez Vera
    In The Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48), 2018
  3. BUCLD
    It’s Hard to Extend: A Unified Account of Raising-Past-Experiencers and Passives in Child English
    Emma Nguyen, and William Snyder
    In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2018
  4. WCCFL
    Do you really mean it? Linking lexical semantic profiles and the age of acquisition for the English passive.
    Emma Nguyen, and Lisa Pearl
    In The Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 2018


  1. BUCLD
    The (Non-) Effects of Pragmatics on Children’s Passives
    Emma Nguyen, and William Snyder
    In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2017